Our Staff
Meet our dedicated team who guides our programs and services.
Executive Director
Bonnie Craft
Oversees all daily operations; these include staffing, budgeting, social or religious issues that may arise, and public relations with supporting individuals or churches and community organizations. Provides long-term counsel and guidance as the Ministry accommodates a variety of services for homeless, near homeless and displaced community members looking for a hand up, distribution of necessities for families and networking with other social service agencies.
Associate Director & Assistant Director
Steve Schuren
Gladys Hunt
As members of the administrative team, provide assistance to the Executive Director across all administrative areas. Responsibilities include supervision and coordination of efforts to assist individuals and families who are ready to begin their lives anew; also responsible for public relations coordination and direct supervision of department directors. Upon request, may represent RUM to community organizations and churches such as participating in church services or other spiritual activities. These team members help insure that all areas of RUM’s mission are meeting ministry goals.
Office Administration
Kelly Pickett
Katrina Rhoades
Greets visitors, maintains relationships with Ministry supporters and other guests, supervises office staff, manages volunteer applications, provides informal overview of Ministry to casual visitors. Provide and facilitate needed materials, pictures and information to our “Social Media” partner for all public and private promotion and outreach.
Financial Director/Human Resources
Randal Barton
In consultation with Executive Director, maintains financial records and overall budget management—including monetary donations, ministry expenses, staff salaries, audits and end of year reports. Assists in grant preparation and submission work.
Client Accommodations
Terry Medberry
Gwenda Harris
Facilitates, in consultation with other staff members including the Director and Case Management supervisor, reviews all applications for the Transitional Housing Program, rental program, and arranges Orientation Meetings for those who wish to be considered for these Programs. Complete records are maintained beginning with the application, attendance at Orientation Meeting, interview of potential participants, background checks, and if accepted, arranging details of moving in and beginning in the Program, as well as work with all law enforcement organizations. Once they are located on campus, steps are taken to help assure a safe, positive environment for all residents.
Case Management
Darrayl McKnuckles
Kathryn Woodcock
Anita Thornton
Dexter Patterson
Jackie Pursley
Marilyn Williams
A staff of qualified counselors have scheduled meeting times with Program participants as they work toward self-sufficiency. Case Managers plan reasonable short-term goals, review clients’ progress toward those goals, and make appropriate referrals. Help clients develop long term goals, including continued education. Case managers provide coping tools and encouragement for those with addictive behaviors. All of these skills become building blocks as they progress toward employment, independent housing, and re-entry into the community.
Education Director/Employment Counseling
Clients in the Transitional Housing Program must take a series of 14 weeks of classes such as inner healing, life skills, parenting skills, financial management and budgeting, pre-employment and job search skills. The Education Director is responsible for soliciting volunteer teachers from all over East Central Illinois. Once teaching commitments are secured, the Director—in consultation with other Ministry departments—develops a class schedule to meet the needs of clients and volunteer teachers.
As clients approach completion of Program requirements, they receive regular employment counseling in order to help prepare them for self-sufficiency.
Client Work Coordinator
Rick Kegeris
Clients in the Transitional Housing Program are expected to complete 15 hours of work assignments around the campus each week (or off campus, if they are already employed). The coordinator oversees on-campus work assignments and assures that clients demonstrate acceptable work habits in preparation for future employment in the marketplace.
Child Care/Tutoring
Sheila Anderson
In order for parent(s) to progress through the Program, child care is provided for minor children (as needed) to clients in the Transitional Housing Program. When possible, elementary age students may be offered after-school academic encouragement/tutoring by qualified volunteers.
Food & Clothing--Donations/Distribution
John Pursley, Director
Mrs. Nash
Individuals, churches and other community members or organizations make frequent donations of food, clothing, furniture; useable household items and small appliances may also be received. Food items are organized and stored for distribution to residents and community members in need of food. Similarly, donated clothing items are received and displayed for distribution to community members in need.
IT/Social Media
Jonathan Davis
Mike Kingery, Director
We have a dedicated staff that maintains our physical plant consisting of multi-dwelling units, administrative offices, a food/clothing storage and distribution center, and classroom spaces. We also maintain an evening security presence for the safety of our clients, which includes watching for contraband or erratic behavior when coming or going from facility.